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7 Simple Landscape Tips to Improve Your Home Value

By Blythe Yost July 16, 2019

3D Rendering of a Good Landscape Design in South Carolina

First impressions matter! We hear that all the time and it’s certainly true for your home. Whether or not you are planning to sell, a thoughtful landscape design can help you enjoy your property and increase your home value 10-20% in a competitive market. In a quieter market, it can be the deciding factor to purchase a home. At the very least, it welcomes people into your home.

Home buyers make judgements as soon as their car pulls up so here are some Tilly tips to invest wisely into your landscape and curb appeal. Whether or not it's time to sell, these are great guiding priorities that can help you evaluate your next home project.

Front Curb Appeal
Photo Credit: Canva


When someone steps out of the car and begins walking up to your house they are looking at the house, the roof, the trees, the neighbors - make sure they don’t trip on a misplaced brick! Is there a stone that wobbles? Is the pathway overgrown? Fix any issues to put your best foot forward. Walkways don't have to make a strong impact, but they should be functional and in good shape in order to not create any red flags before a potential buyer steps foot in the house. Curious to learn more about walkways, check out our recent article.

Irrigation Systems

Irrigation systems can be costly, but if you are spending the money on landscaping it is worth protecting your investment. When looking at the systems or embarking on a home renovation, consider a smart irrigation system. Smart systems will include a weather sensor that can be mindful of the weather and not overwater your plants or grass. This is ultimately a cost effictive option that keeps your utility bills in check and won't overwater your yard.

Front Yard with Beautiful Walkway
Photo Credit: Canva

Entertaining Space

Buyers love to envision a future home where they can relax. Even if they have five kids, three dogs, a hamster and relaxing is a pipe dream - the vision of potentially kicking your feet up, reading a book and enjoying the fresh air is priceless! Spend money to make sure your outdoor spaces and entertaining areas are functional and welcoming. Adding outdoor space is essentially adding square footage to your home which is attractive - or at least a bonus to a potential buyer. Perfecting an entertaining space doesn't have to cost a lot, but can mak ea huge difference.

Think Privacy

If your buying a home, you want a special space you can make your own. If your entertaining space is close to a neighbor consider planting trees or finding a useful way to create privacy. Maybe it’s a lattice panel with climbing clematis, evergreen hedges or a board on board cedar fence. Same goes with a window that looks out to a neighbor - get creative and make your home feel more private.

Year-Round Appeal

Remember when putting together a planting plan that a good landscape design should have seasonality, with something blooming at all times of the year. To put this together is very challenging for someone who isn’t an expert, so it’s worth bringing on a design partner like Tilly so you get it right from the beginning. Not doing this can create costly mistakes editing or adding after your design is planted. This also ensures that if you are selling your home, you will have - at the very least some greenery in the dead of winter!

Modern Front Yard Design
Photo Credit: Canva

Native Plants

Focus on plants that are native to your region to give them the best chance to survive and keep your maintenance commitment low. A design that reflects your region is also more likely to resonate with a potential buyer than something that “brings back your childhood” from a different climate. Native plants help your local ecosystem in so many ways - read more here.

Keep it Simple

When in doubt, less is more. Keep it simple so nothing detracts from your property. This also allows buyers to see the potential and dream about how to make the yard theirs! Weeds and a jungle is an instant turn off and makes a buyer worry about neglect inside the front door. We gaurantee real estate agents will agree - if nothing else, simplify!

What are other landscape tips that can boost your home in the eyes of a buyer?

Looking for inspiration? Check out our post that features Tilly plans that have fabulous Entertaining Spaces!

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