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How to Read Your Tilly Landscape Plan

By Axis Fuksman-Kumpa November 20, 2020


Your Tilly design plans have arrived and you’re thrilled! Now is the fun part, looking through the concept your designer brought to life and envisioning what the future of your yard will hold. Here we will walk you through how to read each section of your Tilly landscape plan and how to understand it!

How to Read Your Tilly Landscape Plan

Part 1. Notes From Your Designer

This will be an overview of the key points and priorities you have communicated to your designer. The notes may reference your intake survey, garden style, design consult, problem areas, or further explanation of certain aspects of the plans.

Part 2. Plant Schedule

The Plant Schedule is a breakdown of the plants proposed in your design. It includes how many of each plant Tilly recommends, the Botanical Name and the Common Name, as well as the size to order. This is something you can take to your local nursery when purchasing. Remember that making plant substitutions is common as a nursery won’t necessarily carry everything, more on how to shop a nursery here.

Part 3. Planting Plan

This is an aerial view of your property showing the layout of your plants and any recommended hardscape elements. It will show existing plants you are keeping and the approximate location of the new plants Tilly recommends for your yard. In order to best understand this portion of your plan, we recommend that you:

  • Pull up your planting plan on a tablet / laptop or print - a phone screen is likely too small
  • Go into your yard and use the North arrow to orient yourself; begin to identify key structures, walkways, fences, points of interest, etc.
  • Pick different points in your yard and reference plan / plant images to help visualize and bring it all to life
  • Bring your complete plan to your local nursery to see the plants in real life - make sure you like them, and they fit with your vision.

Part 4. Plant Images

Next there will be plant images to showcase what the recommended plants look like in full bloom. You can also google the plant names to see what they look like at different stages of growth and throughout the seasons.

Part 5. 3D Images

If you ordered 3D images, they will show what your mature plants will look like in 3+ years. It’s a great way to visualize how your design will grow into itself! Remember that plans do need some time to mature and look their very best.

Part 6. Lighting Plan

If you ordered a lighting plan, it will showcase what light fixture Tilly recommends and where it should be placed in your yard. This section will also include examples of how the lights look in the evening.

image of lighting plan for a yardLandscape Lighting Plan
Images of landscape lighting

Part 7. Installation Guide

Lastly, you will receive instructions on how to think about next steps - who is doing the work? Tips on DIY - and more! This blog post is also helpful when thinking about installation and what’s next!

Installation Instruction Example

We hope this is a helpful guide in navigating your plans from Tilly! If you haven't gotten started yet, you can find more information on Tilly and our process, here.

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